Enrollment Policies

FPF students are required to follow the enrollment policies set by FPF and College of Letters & Science Dean’s Office:

  • All FPF students are required to enroll in a minimum of 9 units from the FPF curriculum, which includes all classes with the “X” prefix.

  • FPF students may enroll in classes of 2 units or less outside of the FPF curriculum per L&S guidelines, except for Freshmen & Sophomore Seminars (courses numbered 24, 39, and 84).

  • FPF students may enroll in one lower division (courses numbered 1-99) class of 3 units or more outside of the FPF curriculum per L&S guidelines during the Adjustment Period of enrollment. FPF students must also take the FPF versions of classes that are also offered outside of our curriculum.

  • FPF students may take a max of 5 units total of classes outside of the FPF curriculum. 

  • The max allowed total units during the Fall semester for FPF students is 17.5 units. We do not make exceptions to take more 17.5 units.

  • The minimum number of units needed to be considered full time within L&S is 13 units, except for students with an approved reduced course load

  • FPF students may only enroll in the allowed classes during the specificenrollment periodsand must follow the unit maximums:

    • Phase 1 Allowed Classes to Enroll

      • Courses from the FPF Curriculum (classes with the “X” prefix)

      • Courses of 2 units or less outside of the FPF curriculum per L&S guidelines, except for Freshmen & Sophomore Seminars

    • Adjustment Period Allowed Classes to Enroll

      • Courses from the FPF Curriculum (classes with the “X” prefix)

      • Courses of 2 units or less outside of the FPF curriculum per L&S guidelines, except for Freshmen & Sophomore Seminars

      • One lower division class of 3 units or more outside of the FPF curriculum per L&S guidelines

The central question we'd like all FPF students to consider during Fall 2023 is "Are we moving toward a world that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all?" In FPF classes, students will explore intellectual themes like Citizenship, Social Justice, and California across different disciplines.

Check the Berkeley Academic Guide for up-to-date class schedules. Courses and specific class meeting times are subject to change.